Getting enough sleep has so many benefits! To list a few...
Sleep Keeps Your Heart Healthy, Sleep Reduces Stress, Sleep Reduces Inflammation, Sleep Makes You More Alert, Sleep Bolsters Your Memory, Sleep Helps You Lose Weight, Naps are known to make you smarter, and Sleep Helps the Body Make Repairs!
Wow! Who is with me today! Lets all go for a walk in the snow! Make a snowman or just have fun with the kids!
Sleep is key to cutting down my pain levels with my fibromyalgia! I love getting a good night's sleep and exercise really helps.
Joy blessings,
Great suggestion, Angie! We don't get outdoors enough in the winter months. It's great for the exercise and for that little bit of sun that helps you body get the Vitamin D it needs!
Believe me, I would like to go for a walk in the snow, but my little one doesn't want to go out in the cold. I usually take plenty of exercise when there isn't any snow, though.
We walked through the snow when we visited Colorado last week! It is a super workout! (and you amazingly get really not doing that! lol) Great tips!
*hot.. not not lol
Excellent post. I just recently got back into excercising and one of the things I do is go outside and walk in the cold. If find it quite exillarating.~Uniquic~
Thanks for the post.. I do love walking in the snow, especially in the early morning before the cars start passing by.. It's so serene and quiet.. it's a special time.
walk it is very healthy, especially for our heart health. by doing a 15-minute walk every day we've been able to maintain our heart health and may even Can Help Longevity.
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