
Friday, April 1, 2011

The Ultimate Blog Party!

Woo Hoo!  It is that time again!  Party Time!

Ultimate Blog Party 2011

One of my favorite sites, run by twin sisters, Susan and Janice are hosting  The Ultimate Blog Party!!! Not only is it great fun, and a chance to win some pretty terrific prizes, it’s also a great way to get to meet some new mom bloggers.

Let me just take a moment before we get to the fun stuff to introduce myself.  I’m Angie, a mom with 2 beautiful kids, Kaitie 13, and Andrew 10. I am married to the man of my dreams!   I love him more today than the day I first fell in love with him.  Well, enough about me, let the party begin!!! 

This is my blog, where I share healthy recipes and weight-loss tips!  So welcome to my little home on the blogosphere and please take a look around, and don't forget to tell me a little about yourself so we can get to know each other!  

Now to the food!  Would you like to try a...

or for the kids how about a Banana Cracker!

Perhaps some yummy Waldorf Salad

I’d love to get know my fellow bloggers! How about a few questions…
What’s your favorite thing to do?
What is your favorite meal?
What was the last thing you ate?
Why is the sky blue?


  1. Favorite thing to do...laugh!
    Favorite meal...hard one (too many-I love food.)
    Last thing I ate...homemade granola and coffee
    Why is the sky blue...actually it's really grey here today.

    Glad to "meet" you!

  2. Last thing I ate. Bagel with cream cheese. Next thing I am going to eat. Chicken Apple Sausage and Spaghetti Squash Rosti!

    Stopping in from UBP! Please come and visit my post too! We have a big $208 Giveaway. Love for you to enter and to get to know our blog!

    The Chief Blonde
    Still Blonde after all these YEARS

  3. Hello! Stopping over from UBP2011to thank you for being the first EVER commentor on my blog! Sorry there's no prize, just wanted to say thanks! I'm printing out your Banana Cracker recipe as we speak! My daughter will love them! Have a great day!

  4. Favorite Thing to do: Spend time with family
    Last thing I ate: Grilled Chicken Wrap

    Dropped in from the Ultimate Blog Party!!!!


  5. Thanks for stopping by A Home Made by Kiki!

    Favorite Thing to do: Spend time with friends and family

    Favorite Meal: definitely something pasta

    Last thing I ate: multigrain cheerios

    The sky is definitely not blue today...really wish it was!

  6. Favorite thing - enjoying my kids laughter

    Favorite meal - don't really have one

    Last thing I ate - subway

    Sky blue - who knows

    Great blog...I can't wait to get to know you better...I have lost a lot of weight over the last couple years and can't wait to get more ideas from you about healthy living!

  7. last thing I ate was pizza---horrible I know, but it was our "unhealthy" night here. I have done so good all week and the kids wanted pizza.

    favorite it!!!

    new follower via blog party!!

  8. Favorite thing: travel
    Favorite Meal: Lobster
    Last Thing I Ate: Home made organic rhubarb muffin
    Sky Blue: Is it something to do with reflections from the water? If not, I have no idea, but now I'm going to google it!

  9. Thanks for coming by Tales from the Motherhood and Confessions of a Former Childhood Actress!
    So fun to fake party with you. I think we could get along - I like to be pretty healthy too. (But I do have a sweet tooth). I also blog once a month over at Fit Mom, Fit Kids Club.
    That Walsdorf salad looks really good. Please mail me one.

    What’s your favorite thing to do? Hang with hubby. Cuddle with kids. Dance.
    What is your favorite meal? All kinds of Persian food!
    What was the last thing you ate? Chocolate chip cookie and ice cream.
    Why is the sky blue? God made it that way.

  10. I don't have a clue what a flexitarian is, but being healthy in the kitchen is becoming more and more important to me. I love your blog and can't wait to read some recipes and look around more at the information you're sharing here! Such a cute family too :)

    Just came by from UBP11 ~ Stop by our blog when you have a moment!

    Michelle @ FTSN

  11. Hello! Love your blog and will Facebook you as soon as I hit submit button. Find me at
    P.S. Also if you can find a minute and vote for me as elenka29 here
    (it's a competition to get into fitness bootcamp for moms. There is no registration - just click and submit). Looking forward to reading more of your posts

  12. Hi Angie,
    First I'd like to thank you for stopping by my blog.

    Second...I've bookmarked it so I can come back and get that black bean burger recipe since my oldest spawn has decided she's anti-meat.

    And now your questions:

    What’s your favorite thing to do?
    Outside of just chill with my family I'm addicted to Blackjack and karaoke. I think I like karaoke more.

    What is your favorite meal?

    What was the last thing you ate?
    Um...Funyuns. LOL My son had a bag of them and I had a handful.

    Why is the sky blue?
    My eye kinda started to twitch while trying to come up with a witty answer for this one.


  13. Hey Angie!
    Stopping by your blog and thought it would be fun to participate.
    Favorite thing to do... write
    Favorite meal... salmon patties
    Last thing I ate... oven pizza
    Why is the sky blue... because the earth is gem, blue is the only color that would set it off right!


Love to hear what you think!