
Monday, July 30, 2012

Super Easy Soft Serve Ice Cream For One!

This is so easy, and so YUMMY!   No ice cream maker needed!  Just a food proccesor or blender!  Adapted from Happy Herbivore recipe here. 

  Soft Serve Ice Cream for one!

1 frozen Banana (freeze bananas with out their skins)
1/4 cup Almond Milk (or any milk you have!)
1 Dried Fig (that I soaked the day before)/ or honey, sugar, agave...just sweeten to taste.
1/4 tsp Organic Cocoa/or vanilla

Have some fun and add nuts and fruit too!

Throw all in your food processor(or blender) And whirl until it looks like soft serve ice cream!
Enjoy your ice cream right away!

I think this recipe would do amazing with home made coconut milk!
I am going to have fun making different flavours this summer!

Did You try it?  What flavours worked for you?


  1. AnonymousJuly 31, 2012

    nice info sisat!!! I have some article like that please click

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  3. This looks so yummy, I'm always looking for healthy recipes, I LOVE almond milk now!!
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  10. Good one. Yeah good post. I like ice cream also.
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