
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

WMWW -WATER- We all need it, Do you get enough?

We all know that drinking plenty of water is essential to good health and wellbeing.  And yet through our busy everyday lives we are not only constantly dehydrating ourselves, but also failing to quench our body’s need for water. Our skin suffers, our eyes are dry, we can’t seem to shake off colds, we complain of headaches, lack energy, often feel bloated or constipated and our concentration levels are poor.  
Did you know?  You should drink between 7-10 glasses(about 48 fluid ounces) of water every day.  But if your not used to this amount, build up to it – your body will need to adjust.  If you don't like the taste of water.  Add a squeeze of lemon or lime or even crushed mint for a little flavor.
So what can you do?  
  • Drink a glass of water when you wake up.  Have your water carafe in your bedroom, so before you get out of bed you can drink a glass!
  • Drink a glass before you eat.  Sometime we mistake thirst for hunger.  This also helps with weight loss!
  • Drink water after you exercise.  You lose water through sweat, make sure you replenish it.
  • Keep water where ever you are.  Get yourself a BPA free reusable water bottle, also have a water carafe near you if you work at a desk, also in the bedroom/living-room, that will be so handy to keep your glass full.  Sip as you work, play and relax.


What are your tips of getting enough water?

This is January's blog hop! Add your old or new post below with Linky! You can post once a week.

I can't wait to see all the helpful tips/recipes/stories you have!

Please link directly to your post and not your blog URL. If you could please link back here, so that everyone can join in the fun!


  1. I drink a lot more water than I used to. I go by the formula of half your body weight in ounces of water daily. Drinking enough water is essential to losing weight and just maintaining good health.

  2. Hi, Angie. I like your blog, and I'm your new follower. It's fun meeting others with the same name. I'm Angela, Angie, Angi...and the nickname list goes on. I'm not crazy about drinking tons of water. When I'm thirsty, though, water quenches the thirst best of all. Happy Blogging!


Love to hear what you think!