Monday, January 24, 2011

Homemade Whole Wheat Tortilla's

Yesterday I made baked tortilla chips!  So I thought it would be a perfect time to post my tortilla recipe!  Tortilla's are so easy to make!  You probably have all the ingredients in your pantry!  So give this recipe a try and let me know how it works for you!

4 cups        WW flour (also can use regular flour or half and half)
1/2  tsp       baking powder
1/2 cup       olive oil
1 tsp           salt
1 1/2 cups  warm water

You can also add any seasonings for fun if you want your tortilla's to have a little zip!
  1. Mix together flour and baking powder.
  2. Cut in oil until crumbly consistency.
  3. Stir together water and salt.
  4. Drizzle over dough while mixing to make soft dough.
  5. Let dough rest for 20 min.
  6. Divide into 16 pieces.
  7. Role out into circles.
  8. Fry on dry pan at medium heat, 20 seconds per side(until bubbles form).

Makes 16 tortilla's

To make baked tortilla chips, just cut into triangles and bake in a 340 oven for about 5-8 mins till crisp!  

Serve with salsa and guacomole!


jp@A Green Ridge said...

I'm going to have to try those Angie! I can use them for wraps...:)JP

jo said...

Thanks for sharing Angie! I was looking for a recipe..

Kristin said...

Thank you! I've been meaning to make tortillas for a while now. This week seems like a good time to do that.

Ptmikem said...

Great to see it's whole wheat. To many products say wheat but they are not really whole wheat flour.

Chelle B said...

These are some of the best homemade whole wheat tortillas I have seen! They look so delicious and I love making chips out of tortillas. Never thought to make my own tortillas though. Love it!

Anonymous said...

I am definitely going to try this out! Thanks for the recipe :0)

Lori said...

We love tortillas! I'll have to try this recipe this weekend and let you know how it turns out. Thands for sharing.

Unknown said...

I can't wait to give these a try! Thanks for your great healthy recipes!

Corner Mystery said...

hello friend, nice to know u ^_^

Atlanta Plastic Surgeons said...

Whole wheat is very wholesome and good and should be added to the diet.I make rolls with these stuffing in mushrooms and cheese for the children thus stuffing good health and fun together.
Cosmetic Surgeon Atlanta

Unknown said...

I just tried to make them, they taste delish, but I had a tough time rolling them. They didn't come out as flat and pretty.

Angie said...

I also had trouble getting them to look "pretty"... I would love to get a tortilla press! For now we have imperfect circles.