
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Healthy Green Cleaning Tips

Cleaning green is so much easier and healthier than buying toxic household cleaners!  Common house hold cleaner are poisonous, carcinogenic, flammable, and also contribute to poor indoor air quality which causes asthma.  Do you ever wonder why so many house pets are getting cancer?  The labels on these toxic cleaners do have warnings but still people buy these products! It is so easy to clean green all you need is some baking soda, vinegar, and soap and water.
And an even greater added bonus, now you will not have to worry about your kids assisting with the all the scrubbing, because all these recipes are non-toxic, and green!  Which makes a busy moms job easier and teaches kids it is fun and easy to clean green!
How to Clean Green

Cleaning Kitchen and Bathrooms 

Fill a spray bottle with vinegar and keep it in your kitchen and bathrooms. Vinegar cleans mold, hard water spots, soap scum, and rust stains, perfect counter tops and sinks!  Vinegar is natural and non-toxic.

Baking soda works well to clean greasy areas. It is slightly abrasive so it is also great for scrubbing bathtubs, and hard surfaces.

Soap and water. Did you know you can sanitize with soap and water? There is no need at all to purchase toxic cleaners to sanitize your home. You can wash all most everything with soap and water including your kitchen floor!


  1. This is so true!!! I have some solution recipes that I have found and use - one that I grabbed from the British show "How Clean is Your House" - and I clean my whole house with baking soda and vinegar. I add a few drops of various essential oils to keep my house from smelling like vinegar - and it works wonders!!

  2. Great tips! Thanks for sharing!

  3. The vinegar cleans mold, interesting. thanks for sharing. I will defenitely try it. I use backing soda for carpet cleaning

  4. I can't wait to try the vinegar on my moldy grout (it may be too far gone). I tried rubbing it down with fresh lemon and salt just to see what would happen, but not much improved. Vinegar makes since because it is acetic acid. Thanks for the tips. I'm trying to get a little greener with each step of the cleaning process. Someone else mentioned adding a few drops of essential oils to the water-vinegar-baking soda combo as well.

  5. Add a few drops of lavender to your vinegar bottle and you have a natural disinfectant. You can also make a simple air freshener by adding essential oil to a spray bottle full of water!
    Want to freshen your carpet? Mix a few drops of essential oils to baking soda, mix up and sprinkle on carpet before vacuuming.

  6. I like this site. Definitely I'll share it with my friends.

  7. You are so right Angie! I sincerely wish more people would make the switch to safer, natural cleaning alternatives. I swear by vinegar, baking soda, and Dr. Bronner's liquid soap (peppermint) - we use all of those for nearly everything in our home from cleaning to toothpaste making.

    Great tip!

    Michelle at

  8. I love using natural cleaning products and I always use such when possible. I ceaned my oven with baking soda and it is sparkling now.

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