
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Watch My Weight Wednesdays!

This is just the linky I will put my post up later today.

Look what I woke up too!

There is something wrong with the wii!  My husband and I did not lose that much weight over night!


  1. But the Wii Fit is fun, isn't it? My daughter used to do it routinely during the winter, but now she's out and about all the time she doesn't make time for the Wii.

  2. Aww, I really want to get Wii Fitness! That's so cool you can keep track of your progress.

  3. Ahh, check your batteries in the balance board...or make sure the leg extenders are all on (if you use them). We have found this to happen to us with weak batteries! :)

  4. Just changed the batteries today! Now it is back to normal. It was strange funny though. Now I have a huge dip on my chart!

  5. The avatars on the end look like how I feel in the morning. Thanks for connecting.


Love to hear what you think!