
Monday, February 8, 2010

Whole Wheat Tortilla's

I love my sunny kitchen!  It is one of my favourite places in my home.  I just turn on the radio and work at my kitchen table and knead my bread!  A good friend gave me this recipe, today I added a seasoning blend to the flour to give it more pazzaz!

4 cups        WW flour (also can use regular flour or half and half)
1/2  tsp       baking powder
1/2 cup       olive oil
1 tsp           salt
1 1/2 cups  warm water

  1. Mix together flour and baking powder.
  2. Cut in oil until crumbly consistency.
  3. Stir together water and salt.
  4. Drizzle over dough while mixing to make soft dough.
  5. Let dough rest for 20 min.
  6. Divide into 16 pieces.
  7. Role out into circles.
  8. Fry on dry pan at medium heat, 20 seconds per side(until bubbles form).

Makes 16 tortilla's

1 comment:

  1. I make my own tortillas too! We love them and they are so much cheaper than store bought (not to mention yummier). I haven't bought tortillas for awhile and my mom had them at her house over the weekend. I had one and I had forgotten just how much better my homemade ones were. No more store bought for us!


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